Services include:
- Information and referral (e.g. information on child behaviour issues, housing/homelessness, unemployment, financial trouble, changing utility companies)
- Casework (ongoing support to access services)
- Parenting support (parenting skills and support to improve the capacity to build positive relationships, respond to children’s needs, and address challenging behavioural and emotional issues)
- Skill development (e.g. budgeting, cooking)
- Home visiting (structured support and skill development in the home)
- Counselling (emotional support for individuals or groups)
The Child and Family Support Service aims to deliver the following outcomes and can support families who have at least one child aged up to 12 years:
- Children have a safe and healthy start to life
- Children develop well and are ready for school
- Children meet developmental and educational milestones
- Children live in families that meet their physical, emotional and social needs
- Children and families have access to appropriate and responsive services if needed
- Links with family, school and community are established and maintained
Contact Anniqua or Steven at FNC on 6555 4351 for more information, or you can email or