Our Board

Committee Members

  • Margaret Fox

    After working as a town planner, research librarian and access consultant in Sydney, Margaret came to live in Pacific Palms with her husband Michael 18 years ago. Margaret continues to…

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  • Janice Paulson

    Aunty Janice Paulson is a well-known and loved Worimi Elder who has lived much of her life in Forster. She has a long-standing commitment to working for her Community and…

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  • Felicity Carter OAM

    “There are few other community services organisations that have the will, capacity and responsiveness to meet community needs that FNC has. I am so proud to be part of it….

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  • Julie Brady

    Julie has been on the FNC Committee for 12 years, initially as President, and for the last three years as Treasurer. “The committee sees how hard the last two years…

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  • Iain White

    Originally from Scotland Iain has been a committee member of FNC since 2003. He has a diverse background in agriculture, nursing, theology and as a massage therapist.  He worked in…

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  • Anne McKay

    Anne McKay has been a member of the Committee since February 2020. She has a watching brief for the NILS program and also volunteers in the Better Learning, Better Communities…

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